Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bad for the Breaking Store!


I have opened my very own custom Breaking Bad store!   I have put up one design that I recently design using a viral sensation slogan!  This design also includes one of my favorite scenes from the current season of the show.  This scene is a cartooned version of a shot of Gustavo from behind with great symmetry greatly emphasized through the work of the director of photography.

Here is the link to the store:
Just Click Here!

I am working on a few other deigns, but they are much more intensive with the actual design portion.  So the new ones will take a little bit of time.  I am trying to make thought out product prints that have more to do than just with what is printed on the shirt or object.  I am trying to work with colors, proportions, and placement to express points presented through out the show.   The products are very affordable and can be customized in most any way!  I am very excited about this, and hope to provide some sort of service for fellow fans!

Even better:  If you have any ideas at all for any shirts, or other products surrounding Breaking Bad, let me know! I will be more than happy to design the shirt, and put them up on the shop for your access!  Just let me know a description of the design, and what the design should be printed on.  If it is a shirt, let me know what color, and shirt type!
Warning! - The design must not infringe on any copyrights or other law mediums.  In either case, I will be able sketch up a similar design, which will custom and printable!

Just contact through a comment, or go to my website, go to the contact page and let me know!
the website: BadfortheBreaking

Thanks again, folks!

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