Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Television Actors

Hey there fellow fans!

In the absence of our beloved show, I feel the need to explain reasons why reading up on the show is not a waste of time!  TV shows are obviously like movies, but in more ways than many people realize.  Because the media plays out televisions to be more highly respected than their fellow movie stars, this is only the case.  I believe that this isn't completely true.  This portrayed element and connection between the two starts an exponential stride towards such truths.  Instead, I believe that in many cases it is the other way around.  More specifically, I am speaking of Breaking Bad actors such as Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, and pretty much any other main character in the show.

With proper direction and decent support, television actors have more limitations all while having more overall capabilities.  This may sound strange, but allow me to exaggerate.  While only have 15-45 minute spurts of acting, both writing and acting must be specific and most of all, powerful.   This is why much of current television is of such poor quality, no one wants to spend time or money on great, quality actors and writers.  Instead its easier to pay under qualified eccentric people to star in reality shows.  In terms of capabilities, television actors have time.  Time, in any artistic field or context, is a driver of quality art.  This allows for skill, deep thought, and taste to take its abilities to sharpen every aspect of the piece.  The same goes for acting, having 5 seasons thus far, characters have been able to slowly develop.  This is something that a movie will not be able to accomplish as fluidly, possibly ever.  Having this time to SLOWLY develop characters along with plots allows for extreme connection between audience and characters.  Keeping this build up of actual character, however, is another point focus.  Subtlety is a key in this.  Fluid advancement must be apparent, otherwise it is cheap plot scares brought not by any previously established conflicts, but rather characters themselves.

Breaking Bad should be, and probably is, the main focus of how these shows should be written.  Another reason it is the greatest show in TV history.

Thanks again!

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